Automotive Service Technician
Red Seal Exam - 310S

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Automotive service technicians inspect, service, and repair the brakes, engines, and other parts of cars, trucks, and buses. They also perform routine maintenance to prevent future breakdowns.
Diagnosing problems quickly and accurately requires critical and analytical thinking ability. It also requires a thorough knowledge of cars mechanical and electronic systems and knowledge with a variety of electronic tools, such as infrared engine analyzers and computers. After locating the source of the malfunctions, automotive mechanics often need to replace or repair faulty parts or equipment.
Most automotive service mechanics work in automobile repair shops, automobile dealerships, and service stations. Many others are employed by federal, state, and local government agencies such as taxicab and automobile leasing companies and other businesses that repair their own cars and trucks. Automobile manufacturers hire mechanics to make adjustments and repairs after cars come off the assembly line. Other mechanics work for large department stores that have facilities for servicing automobiles.
Most mechanics work between forty and forty-eight hours per week, but many work longer hours during busy periods. Most mechanics work indoors, in shops with good ventilation, lighting, and heat. They frequently work with dirty, greasy parts and in awkward positions. Sometimes they must lift heavy objects.
Industry Changes
The automotive mechanic is constantly learning and updating their knowledge. With new technology on the rise from all different competitors, improving automotive knowledge will always be incredibly important.
The government has recently set targets for greater energy efficiency to combat climate change. With further training, you may be able to install and maintain renewable energy technologies like solar powered heating systems.
Over the next ten years, the employment outlook is considered to be excellent. The lack of trained and qualified servicemen and the expected increased retirement rate in these trades over the next decade highlight the opportunities within the industry for good potential jobs.
Employment of automotive mechanics is expected to increase as fast as the average for all occupations throughout the future. Turnover in this field is high, so many openings occur each year. Automotive technology is becoming increasingly complex, so mechanics who have had formal training may find the most opportunities. Demand should also be high for those who stay informed about new developments in this field, such as alternate fuels technology.
Safe working practices and accident prevention are the primary importance to the health and safety of all person(s) at any or all work place environments. All person(s) including employee, employer and government, share this responsibility in order to keep everyone free of any dangers or accidents that may cause an individual(s) serious bodily harm or death.
The Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulations, should be consistently reviewed and enforced in every work place environment. Educating and understanding these regulations is everyone’s responsibility in order to keep a safe work place environment.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) has contributed to a safer work place environment. Health and safety has become a high priority in the workplace due to increased awareness of dangers and the identifications of hazardous materials.
Practicing health and safety is a tremendous contribution to a safe and accident free work place environment.
Job Tasks
Air-conditioning and Heating equipment
Accessories such as radio, heaters interior lighting
Cooling systems
Cylinder blocks
Engine repair
Hydraulic jack or hoist
Infrared engine analyzers
Shocks and struts
Tire Installation and repair
Transmission Repair
Wiper and motors
Adjustable wrench
Allen keys
Ball peen hammer
Crow bar
Electrical multi-meter
Hack saw
Micrometers, calipers and thickness gauges
Mini pipe cutters
Multi meter
Needle nose pliers
Safety equipment (goggles, boots, face shield etc)
Screw driver set
Socket set
Sparking igniter
Tin snips
Vice grips
Wire strippers
…and much more
Critical Thinking
Decision Making
Analytical Thinking
Oral Communication
Problem Solving
Reading Blueprints and schematics
Computer Knowledge
General Wages
Average - $22.50
Minimum - $15.00
Maximum - $32.00
Sample Q&A
1. What is a quick check to confirm the fuel pump relay is working when it is thought to be faulty?
a. Remove the fuel pump relay then feel for a click.
b. Install scan tool and then check the data stream.
c. Back probe the relay terminal with a test light then cycle the key on.
d. Test for power at the pump and then cycle the ignition key off.
Ans. C
2. When removing brake calipers in order to replace the disc brake pads, what is the main concern to protect the ABS hydraulic control unit?
a. Open the bleeder, push the piston back, close the bleeder, and remove the caliper and the disc pads.
b. Remove the caliper bracket, pump the brake pedal several times to retract the piston, and remove the disc pads.
c. Remove the brake pad retaining pins, and slide the pads out without retracting the piston.
d. Push the piston back, remove the caliper, and remove the disc brake pads
Ans. A
3. What is the problem in a manual transmission that is noisy under load in all reduction gears?
a. Clutch shaft pilot bearing is worn.
b. Cluster shaft bearings damaged.
c. First speed output gear teeth chipped.
d. Speedometer drive gear chipped.
Ans. B
4. What two things should be observed when testing fuel control system response by creating a vacuum leak?
a. voltage rise in O2 sensor output and a decrease in injector dwell.
b. Decrease in RPM and an advance in spark timing.
c. Voltage drop in O2 sensor output and an increase in injector dwell.
d. Increase in RPM and a drop in spark advance.
Ans. C
5. A multi port V6 engine is running rough and appears to be lacking for fuel on two of three cylinders on a bank-fire injection system. Adding propane seems to improve the idle and drive. A cylinder balance test indicates low power contribution from cylinders 1 and 5. Further testing proves there are no vacuum leaks. What causes this condition?
a. An injector with low resistance in cylinder 3.
b. Restricted injectors on cylinders 1 and 3.
c. The power train control module has a failing injector driver.
d. An open in the injector winding of cylinder 3.
Ans. A
6. What is the procedure to service check the coolant?
a. Coolant should be checked for pH level using a voltmeter, for electrolytic level using an ohmmeter, and for concentration using a hydrometer.
b. A coolant additive package should be added to restore the coolant quality before testing.
c. Coolant should be checked for pH level using a test strip, for electrolytic level using a voltmeter, and for concentration using a refractometer.
d. The coolant should be drained, then the correct volume of a 50% solution installed.
Ans. C
7. What is the next step when a starter current draw test indicates lower than specified cranking speed and current?
a. test the battery.
b. use the 9.6 volt drop test for a tight engine
c. replace the starter solenoid, it is defective.
d. run a voltage drop test of B+ and ground cables.
Ans. D

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