Truck & Transport Mechanic & Trailer
Red Seal Exam - 310T - 310J

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Truck & Transport mechanics inspect, service, and repair the brakes, engines, and other parts of trucks and buses. They also perform routine maintenance to prevent future breakdowns.
Diagnosing problems quickly and accurately requires critical and analytical thinking ability. It also requires a thorough knowledge of truck mechanical and electronic systems and knowledge with a variety of electronic tools, such as infrared engine analyzers and computers. After locating the source of the malfunctions, mechanics often need to replace or repair faulty parts or equipment.
Adjust, repair or replace parts and components of truck and bus systems including fuel, air brake systems, hydraulic, steering and suspension, engine and drive train, emission control and exhaust, cooling and climate control, and electrical and electronic systems using hand tools and other specialized automotive repair equipment.
Most technicians work in truck repair shops, dealerships, and service stations. Many others are employed by federal, state, and local government agencies such as taxicab and automobile leasing companies and other businesses that repair their own cars and trucks. Truck manufacturers hire these technicians to make adjustments and repairs after trucks and buses come off the assembly line. Other technicians work for large department stores that have facilities for servicing trucks and buses.
Industry Changes
The Truck & Transport technician is constantly learning and updating their knowledge. With new technology on the rise from all different competitors, improving automotive knowledge will always be incredibly important.
The government has recently set targets for greater energy efficiency to combat climate change. With further training, you may be able to install and maintain renewable energy technologies like solar powered heating systems.
Over the next ten years, the employment outlook is considered to be excellent. The lack of trained and qualified servicemen and the expected increased retirement rate in these trades over the next decade highlight the opportunities within the industry for good potential jobs.
Employment of Truck & Transport technicians is expected to increase as fast as the average for all occupations throughout the future years. Turnover in this field is high, so many openings occur each year. Automotive technology is becoming increasingly complex, so technicians who have had formal training may find the most opportunities. Demand should also be high for those who stay informed about new developments in this field, such as alternate fuels technology.
Safe working practices and accident prevention are the primary importance to the health and safety of all person(s) at any or all work place environments. All person(s) including employee, employer and government, share this responsibility in order to keep everyone free of any dangers or accidents that may cause an individual(s) serious bodily harm or death.
The Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulations, should be consistently reviewed and enforced in every work place environment. Educating and understanding these regulations is everyone’s responsibility in order to keep a safe work place environment.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) has contributed to a safer work place environment. Health and safety has become a high priority in the workplace due to increased awareness of dangers and the identifications of hazardous materials.
Practicing health and safety is a tremendous contribution to a safe and accident free work place environment.
Job Tasks
Air-conditioning and Heating equipment
Air braking systems
Accessories such as radio, heaters interior lighting
Cooling systems
Cylinder blocks
Engine repair
Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic jack or hoist
Infrared engine analyzers
Shocks and struts
Tire Installation and repair
Transmission Repair
Wiper and motors
Adjustable wrench
Allen keys
Ball peen hammer
Crow bar
Electrical multi-meter
Hack saw
Micrometers, calipers and thickness gauges
Mini pipe cutters
Multi meter
Needle nose pliers
Safety equipment (goggles, boots, face shield etc)
Screw driver set
Socket set
Sparking igniter
Tin snips
Vice grips
Wire strippers
…and much more
Critical Thinking
Decision Making
Analytical Thinking
Oral Communication
Problem Solving
Reading Blueprints and schematics
Computer Knowledge
General Wages
Average - $24.00
Minimum - $14.50
Maximum - $31.00
Sample Q&A
1. On a highway-driven truck, how often should the air tanks be drained?
a. At the end of each day.
b. At the end of every other day
c. At the start of each day.
d. At the end of each week
Ans. A
2. Which of the following would be the problem if the air brakes are working normally, but all the air system accessories such as air ride seat or the air starter are not functioning?
a. Pressure protection valve has failed and will not open.
b. The air starter motor is leaking and draining the reservoir.
c. One way check valve between compressor and tanks is leaking.
d. Air compressor governor un-loader valve has failed.
Ans. A
3. Which of the following conditions on an air brake system could cause a high discharge of oil from the supply reservoir drain valve?
a. governor setting too low
b. governor setting too high
c. restricted lubricating oil return passage in the compressor.
d. Compressor drive belt slipping excessively.
Ans. C
4. What is done before un-coupling the air ride tractor from the trailer?
a. deflate air suspension
b. ensure max tractor air pressure
c. inflate air suspension
d. place wheel chocks for tractor wheels
Ans. A
5. Which of the following is most important when removing hydraulic cylinders from the dump section of a roll-off truck?
a. Mechanically support any structure attached to the cylinders.
b. Adjust the system relief valve before removing the cylinders.
c. Disconnect the hydraulic pump from its drive.
d. Drain the oil from the entire hydraulic system before removing the cylinders
Ans. A
6. What is done to detect a leak on the primary side of a diesel engine fuel system?
a. Apply minimal pressure to fuel tank and check lines for leaks with soap and water
b. Check all fuel lines with soap and water.
c. Cap fuel return line and pressurize line at primary filter.
d. Apply fluorescent to fuel and check lines with black light.
Ans. A
7. If your truck has dual parking control valves, you can use pressure from a separate tank to?
a. Apply more brake pressure if the main tank is getting low
b. Balance the service brake system.
c. Release the spring brakes to move a short distance
d. Stay parked without using up service air pressure
Ans. C

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